Copyright 2014, Jules A. Staats; Library of Congress, USA.  All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. This work may be previewed only.


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By Jules A. Staats 


Not as it Seems:


There is a very important lesson here.  First impressions may deceive you.  First opinions of people could—in some cases--cause their death.  One of the most difficult actions of a police officer is to determine what caused the incident he was called to.  There is the short method which leads to a quick but maybe biased determination of the facts.  Usually that works well, but if there is doubt, a follow-up can determine if a person lives or dies.  In other words, that second thought in your mind may be the best one.


Jay was working the day shift as a Temple City Station traffic car.  His job was to work traffic violations and operate the installed radar unit.  Due to this, most calls for service of a criminal nature were assigned to the local patrol car while he played in the traffic.


Not having to write the usual six to 8 burglary crime reports was a plus when working traffic.  The many speeders passing through the area kept him busy, and he usually managed to use up at least two books of serial numbered citations—twenty-five tickets to a book.


It was mid-day and he had already used up one book of the forms.  He mused that he might finish three books today if the present tide of traffic violations continued.  He listened to the police radio as the criminal car received another call from a practiced female voice:  “Car 58, car five-eight, a 647f (drunk person in public view) at the market, (location given.)”


Jay thought about that, here was a person stoned around noon time.  His thoughts envisioned a person drunk during the day at a grocery store.  He figured that the other unit would acknowledge the call and respond, but the radio dispatcher was on the air again:  “Fifty-eight code one” The Radio Room downtown was requesting an ack from the unit.  Some silence due to the radio frequencies being Duplex, that is the car and the dispatch frequencies were separate.


“Ten-four, you are still 10-6 on the last calll” then, “58-T1, 58 Tom one, handle the call, 58 is still 10-6 on his last call, and you have a 647F, a drunk female, at the market, (location given again)”


Jay acknowledged the call, and noticed he was only a few hundred feet from the location.  He parked by the front entrance of the market, grabbed his notebook and entered the store.  Sitting by the front cash registers was a young woman with fair complexion, about 27 years old.  She was wearing a flower print dress and did not appear to be aware of her surroundings, as she just stared ahead with no reaction to the people staring back at her.


The deputy dropped down to one knee, to speak face to face with this woman.  He asked if she was OK, and if anything was medically wrong.  She replied, that she was fine, but just a little light headed.  Jay could smell that her breath had a strange chemical odor, which could possibly substantiate her being drunk in public.  The woman then tried to stand up, and immediately fainted.  Fortunately, the deputy had quickly stood up and caught her before she fell.  He gently placed her on the floor.  Paramedics did not exist yet, there was no such thing as a portable radio, and neither did the 911 phone system exist.  He therefore asked the Store Manager, who was standing by, to call the Sheriff’s Station, and advise that an ambulance was needed to transport the young woman to the local hospital.  The Manager made the call, and an ambulance arrived ten minutes later.  The unconscious woman was subsequently transported to the hospital about a mile away.


Jay asked the Store Manager several questions about this incident, noted vital information in his notebook and then drove to the hospital.  A crime report would be necessary to resolve what action would be taken by the Justice System.  At the hospital he contacted the Staff Doctor of the Emergency Room.  He was told that the woman was examined by him personally and that it was determined she was under the influence of Barbiturates.  Due to the intoxicated condition of the patient, a request was made for a Los Angeles County ambulance to transport her to LCMC, the Los Angeles General Hospital.  Jay was told that was a medical issue and that the hospital system would handle this case, so he was released from further action or responsibility.


Something did not feel right, so the deputy asked this doctor to see the patient again.  He became puzzled as he looked at this unconscious young woman.  The Attending Physician was standing next to the deputy.  The young lady appeared to look like an average housewife, she had clean teeth, and clean short fingernails.  There were no scars or needle marks on her arms and she was wearing a blouse with short sleeves.  The deputy now felt convinced that something was not quite right and she definitely did not look like a drug user.


Jay located her wallet and went through her documents.  She had a valid California Driver License, along with some wallet sized photographs of what could be her children.  He now had a nagging feeling—a suggestion--to keep looking, and found two photographs of children stuck together.  He peeled the three items apart and observed that in the center of the two photographs was a card:  “I’M A DIABETIC.”  In a flash he realized that the whiff of her breath was the smell of acetone, Jay’s Dad, an M.D. had mentioned this a long time ago.


Feeling somewhat frustrated, a feeling of anger was building toward the attitude of this doctor, but Jay kept his cool as he showed the doctor the card.  “Does this make a difference, Doctor?”  The reaction was immediate, as 50cc of glucose was injected by the doctor into this victim who was suffering from diabetic insulin shock.  Had she been transported downtown, she would have probably died enroute.


In minutes the woman revived and Jay’s job was done.  He had saved another life. Most would say this successful incident was due to taking the time to thoroughly investigate the entire situation.  Jay knew that he was pushed by the Holy Spirit to peel apart grimy photos in a wallet. He also marveled that he was only a few feet from the call.


It was still another case of being in the wrong place at the right time.  This definitely was another coincidence?


Jay knew he was sent to this call so God could save this young person’s life in spite of a medical mistake.



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