It NOW IS too late for you to experience God's greatest Blessing and Miracle, as you find you are actually left behind as you finally read this. However, God's Holy Spirit will remain, to fill, justify, and save forever those who finally believe Who The Lord Jesus Is.

A short time ago, the believers of Christ Jesus were snatched and restored, from graves, the oceans, everywhere and immediately thereafter, the then living lovers of Jesus were saved in heaven by the Lord God, who created you, personally.

All this is written in the Bible, and the red letter button above will explain this in detail.

However, you still have time to make a forever choice of your final destiny.

Those who remain on this earth will have to endure 7 years called the Tribulation. Many will die during terrible times, and scores of persons will never see Heaven and life with their Creator forever. At the end of the Tribulation, the devil satan will appear and the Holy Spirit will withdraw. At this time everyone on the earth will be damned.

It is written: "The persons who rejected Christ will face The Judgment of God."

How is this even possible? (Raising millions of the dead, snatching His people to heaven in the twinkling of an eye?)

Remember that God created everything in minute detail, with just a WORD.

So, please CLICK ON THE RED BUTTON or download the letter and print it! Change my name on the letter to yours, then please send it Immediately to your existing loved ones and friends. Millions of people around the world have just disappeared, you really need to click on the red button above now and read it ASAP. The new Word Government will take this website down.

Then, download and print it while you still can. Please read this letter, examine the references of absolute proof written in the Bible.

You can still save yourself, your family and friends: PRAY TO JESUS THAT YOU BELIEVE IN HIS BIRTH, LIFE, CRUSIFICTION AND RESURRECTION. Then, strive to be ever closer to your personal Creator, no matter what happens.

Yes, you will die from the hands of this Tribulation World, but God will have mercy on you, PROVIDED YOU DO NOT RENOUNCE JESUS. The MARK and evil deceptions WILL doom you.

PRAY CONSTANTLY! Be strong, as the sum of all your fears is about to happen to you!
Text below revised
March 23, 2024